Love On The Line

Love on the Line

(Published in the Tilton Library Literary & Art Journal, 2020, p. 65)


Happy birthday sweetheart to my favorite daughter! I hope you have the best birthday ever, my most wonderful girl. The big 5-0, right? It’s a perfect summer day in Philly. Maybe it’s the same in Northampton and you can get out for a bike ride. I hope so! Looking forward to celebrating this weekend. Oh, and a quick question: chocolate or vanilla? If I’m in the garden when you call, I’ll call you back. The flowers are going crazy, the weeds too! Wait ‘till you see the garden! Love you, Mom.

Hi honey. I know you’re busy at work but I wanted to tell you . . . oh yes, yes, here it is. I was just looking at some old photos from when we went to Cape May. You were four and Michael was seven. Remember Sniff digging a hole under Dad’s beach chair until the hole caved in and then Dad’s chair would collapse? Every summer, she did that. And it was always Dad’s chair. The good old days, right honey? Dad has been gone so long now. Thirty-five years, or is it thirty-six? He would be so proud of you and Michael. I wish Dad was with us now. Okay, I’ll show you the photos when you’re here for Thanksgiving. Bye. I love you. 

Sweetheart, I guess you’ll have to do the driving from now on. I just heard from Dr. Howard. She called Motor Vehicles to get my license taken away. She said she had to and that it was lucky that nobody got hurt. It was only one of those big cement poles in the parking lot at Trader Joes. I know, I know. You and Michael will say it’s not the first time. Okay, I’ll stop fighting it. I’m tired. Even the house and the garden sometimes feel like too much. Okay, talk later. Love you, miss you.

Hi sweetheart. Louise wants to join us for dinner. She has the apartment across the hall. She’s the nice neighbor who stopped in to introduce herself when we were moving the piano into the new place, remember? You know what? I don’t miss having a big house. Anyway, are you free for dinner Thursday night, vegetarian night? 6:00? I hope you can come! You’ll like Louise. She moved to Northampton from Pennsylvania, too. Love you, mom. 

It’s so nice living close to you honey. Wasn’t apple picking fun this morning? If you make your apple pie, save me a piece! The quilt is coming along nicely. Glad we changed the border color. But I’m having a hard time lining up the squares. It used to be easy.  Maybe it’s time for new glasses. Oh well. Let me know when you can come over to take a look and then let’s go for a walk around the lake. Lots of love, mom.

Sweetheart, did you see my sewing scissors, you know the good ones? Hope you get out on your bike. I think it just might be spring. No more snow for us! Let me know about the scissors. Love you and miss you!

Sorry to bother you honey, but I can’t find my scissors, for sewing. Do you have them? Call me when you get home.

Do you have my good scissors? Call me as soon as you can.

Do you know where my scissors are? Call me.

Sweetheart, I waited for you in the dining hall. Weren’t we supposed to have dinner tonight? Or, was it Thursday? Wait, what’s today? Oh, well. We’ll pick a new date. Miss you!

Thanks for the postcard with those sleepy, sleepy puppies. What cuties! I forgot you are away for, for, for work or something. Give Dad a big hug for me. When you get back it will be warm enough to go for a swim in the lake. Lots of love!

Hi honey. I was wondering, did I miss my girl’s birthday?  It’s the end of July, right? 

Louise said she really enjoyed having dinner with you.  I didn’t know you two knew each other. Anyway, she thinks you’re the greatest. And I do, too!

I can’t find my sneakers, do you have them? Call me as soon as you can. They are taking us for a little walk today to see the fall leaves. Wish you could come with us sweetheart but I know you’re, you’re, you’re busy.

Hi sweetheart, oh, wait a minute . . . hold on . . . hold on, someone’s at the door. People are always knocking on the door, asking questions. I never know what they want.

Hi sweetheart . . . Oh, uh, never mind. I forgot.

Hi Brenda, this is Marie from Arbor Manor Assisted Living. I’m your mother’s weekend CNA. We met last weekend at the Sunday concert.  I noticed your mother trying to call you so I dialed the number for her. I’ll put her on. Just a sec. Mrs. Rivera, Mrs. Rivera, your daughter’s not home but you can leave her a message . . . Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, um, um, Margie, thank you. Hi sweetheart. Are you there? There’s nothing to do here. They said it’s too icy to go for a walk. I miss you. Come see me.  I’m tired. I just feel tired all the time. This is mom. Come see me, I miss you.

Brenda, Maureen here, your mother’s night nurse at Country Life Hospice. She’s especially agitated tonight.  She packed her suitcase and is waiting for your father to pick her up. She says it’s time. I think it would be a good idea for you to come over.

Hello Ms. Rivera, this is Robert Fox from Country Life Hospice. We met when we did the paperwork for your mother’s room. Can you call me as soon as you get this message? It’s important. I know it’s late but please call me as soon as you get this message, no matter what time. It’s about your mother.

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